• Our Units.

ARCYBER delivers comparative advantages that are the Center of Gravity for US Army Data-Centric Operations.


Aggressively operate and defend our networks, data, and weapons systems.


NETCOM configures, operates, extends, maintains, and sustains the DODIN-A (size, scope, capacity, and metrics).

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Deliver integrated offensive and defensive cyberspace effects and electromagnetic warfare and information operations capabilities against global adversaries.

Cyber Protection Brigade

The Cyber Protection Brigade hunts advanced adversaries to enable decision dominance in multi-domain operation. An operational brigade and two battalion warfighting headquarters providing mission command to assigned cyber forces in competition and conflict, supported by the Army’s premier signal battalion dedicated to cyber operational support.

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91st Cyber Brigade

91st Cyber Brigade is the Army National Guard's first, and only, cyber brigade. The primary mission of the brigade is to provide training and readiness oversight for these units, as well as operational command and control when needed. The brigade is a strategic asset to U.S. Cyber Command and Army Cyber Command.

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U.S. Army Reserve Cyber Protection Brigade

U.S. Army Reserve Cyber Protection Brigade is subordinate to the 335th Signal Command (Theater). The USAR-CPB is charged with providing trained and ready Cyber Protection Teams (CPTs) to conduct Cyberspace Operations from home station or on location in support of Army, Combatant Commands, Department of Defense, and Interagency operations worldwide.

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ARCYBER delivers integrated offensive cyberspace effects and electromagnetic warfare and information operations capabilities against global adversaries.

Joint Force Headquarters-Cyber (JFHQ-C)

Joint Force Headquarters-Cyber provides offensive cyberspace operations to geographic combatant commands: U.S. Central Command, U.S. Africa Command, and U.S. Northern Command.

780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber)

780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) provides teams to support National and Combatant Command offensive cyberspace operations requirements and maintain the Army's cyberspace operations infrastructure.

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11th Cyber Battalion

11th Cyber Battalion, formerly the 915th Cyber Warfare Battalion, activated in 2019, trains and deploys Expeditionary ECTs - Expeditionary Cyberspace and Electromagnetic Warfare (CEMA) Teams - to augment corps and below units. The ECTs provide offensive Cyber, Information Operations (IO), and Electromagnetic Warfare (EW) capability not currently fielded to tactical units.

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ARCYBER integrates information, electromagnetic warfare, and cyberspace operations to influence relevant actors. Communicates or obscures locations, capabilities, and intent of Army forces to influence adversary decision calculus or behavior.

1st Information Operations Command (IOC)

1st IO Command, the Army's only active duty IO brigade, trains and deploys IO Field Support Teams (FSTs) and provides planning support including Operations Security (OPSEC), Military Deception (MILDEC), and IO's core synchronization and integration functions.

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U.S. Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command

United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (U.S. Army Reserve) supports the Army and Joint Force with strategic, operational, and tactical civil affairs, military information support, and information operations capabilities across the range of military operations.

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151st Theater IO Group

151st Theater IO Group (U.S. Army Reserve) is the only Theater Information Operations Group in the U.S. Army Reserve. It's composed mostly of Army Reserve Soldiers in two battalions based out of Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks), Fort George G. Meade, and Fort Totten. The command's Soldiers bring civilian expertise, education, and qualifications not found among regular active duty Soldiers.

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71st Theater IO Group

71st Theater IO Group (Texas Army National Guard) deploy modular teams to provide IO planning, synchronization, execution, and assessment capabilities to designated Army Service Combatant Commanders and TXMF to support the employment of information as an element of combat power across the range of military operations.

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56th Theater IO Group

56th Theater IO Group (Washington Army National Guard) deploys modular teams globally to provide IO planning, synchronization, execution, and assessment capabilities to designated Army Service Component Commanders to support the employment of information as an element of combat power across the range of military operations.

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Fusing traditional and non-traditional intelligence for a shared understanding.

Cyber Military Intelligence Group (CMIG)

Supports ARCYBER operations, Multi-Domain Operations, and army information advantage by providing intelligence to Cyber Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Information Operations that will enable Information Dominance while operating, defending, and influencing in the Information Dimension (ID).

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Last Updated: June 2024